Recent News
The City of Clarendon staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.
Welcome Alderman Ashlee Estlack!
During the regular monthly City Council meeting on Thursday, June 13th, City Council members voted in Ashlee Estlack to fill the position left vacant when former Mayor Pro Tem Larry Jeffers did not run for re-election. She will have to run in the next election, in May 2025, for a one year term. Ashlee is a third generation council member and is very active in the community. Thank you for you willingness to serve on the Clarendon City Council!
Aquatic Center
The Clarendon Aquatic Center located on the corner of 4th Street and Kearney is now open!
5.9.24 City Council Meeting
The May 9, 2024 Regular City Council Meeting will be held at the Mulkey Theater at 5:30 p.m.. The Mulkey Theater is located at 108 Kearney Street in the Downtown Business District. The agenda for the meeting can be accessed under the Government tab, then Meeting Agendas & Minutes. All Citizens and welcome and encouraged to attend the meetings of your City Council.
RFQ - Water Supply Preliminary Engineering Report and Environmental Assessment
Request For Proposal Broadband Deployment
The City of Clarendon is soliciting a Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit a response and other documents from Internet Service Providers qualified to deploy, and maintain a broadband internet network ensuring that current city locations such as City Hall, Airport, Library, Recycling Center, etc. in Clarendon are served by high-speed broadband. It is the intent of the City to award this RFP to the highest evaluated response.
Online Payments through DOXO
We were notified by a resident that her online payment showed a posting date almost two weeks after the payment was made. We started investigating the situation and called our credit card processing company, EZNet Pay through Hammer Enterprises. They informed us that if the customer Googles city of clarendon utility payments, a company named DOXO comes up. This is a third-party payment processor and when you pay through them, they cut a check and mail it to us, we are not affiliated with this company. Unfortunately, the customer will still be charged a late fee if it is not received by the 16th and could get disconnected. Please make your payments on this website so that it is posted immediately. You can always call City Hall at 806-874-3438, will be happy to process your payment over the phone. Please let us know if you are having any problems, we are here to serve you!
David Dockery Retirement Reception
The Clarendon City Council and staff will be having a retirement reception for David Dockery on Monday, December 11, 2023 from 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m at City Hall, 313 S. Sully Street. .Everyone is welcome to come and celebrate with us and thank David on 8 years of dedicated service to our community.
Courthouse Lighting Ceremony
The Annual Courthouse Lighting Ceremony will be held on November 25th at 5:00 p.m. The Clarendon Lions Club will be serving hot chocolate and Santa will be there for the kids! Come witness the beauty of all the Courthouse Trees lit up for the holiday season!
Kearney Street Parking Restrictions
Parking restrictions on Kearney Street, in front of the Burton Memorial Library, will begin Monday, September 11th and last for four days. The Library will be having work done to the front of their building to treat the wood and shingles.
Utility Rate Increases Begin October 1, 2023
The City of Clarendon City Council approved utility rate increases at the Regular Council Meeting on August 10, 2023. The rate increases will go into affect October 1st and will be on your November 1st utility bill. The water and sewer rates increased 3% while the garbage rates increased 12%. The new minimum charge for all three services are; Residential $80.05, Commercial $96.17. This is the first increase on garbage since October 2019, and will also affect the gate fees and the Citizens Conveniance Center by 12%. Water and sewer rates last increas was on October 1, 2021.